Traxxas MAXX VS X-MAXX Comparison. Which One Is Better For You?

The comparison of Traxxas Maxx vs X-Maxx is so hard that people don’t know which one to buy. And it may be also the case for you.

However, a lot of people think that the Traxxas MAXX VS X-MAXX difference is just a difference in size with the same performance and handling. Well, this is wrong.

After our full review of the Traxxas Maxx (See it from here), and Traxxas X-Maxx (See it from here), I noticed that there are a lot of differences that will impact for sure your decision about which one to buy.

These differences include the performance, the design, the price as well as others…

This is why I will show you what is like to have a Traxxas Maxx vs X-Maxx in the next few lines…

Read Also: Best Traxxas X-Maxx Upgrades That You Must Have in 2021

Traxxas Maxx vs X-Maxx Size Comparison

As we know, the size is the easiest way to recognize these 2 monster RC trucks. The X-Monster is so much bigger than the little one. This difference in size doesn’t mean that the X-Truck is better than the other one.

Each one of these 2 cars had some advantages and disadvantages because of its size.

For example, the big size of the X-Maxx allows it to handle more pressure resulting from crashes even in the stock form. On the other hand, Traxxas Maxx is so light and easily controlled on the ground and in the air as well. And also, has great jumps.

Traxxas X-Maxx is not perfect for everybody, especially people living in cities and apartments since its big size will take much space and you need someplace where to drive it. In this case, the Maxx is better for you.

However, if you have your own house with a backyard, or you’re living out of the city with a forest next to you, Traxxas X-Maxx would be perfect for you, and you’ll enjoy it more.

Read Also: 10 Best Powerful Traxxas Maxx Upgrades You Must Have 2021

Maxx vs X-Maxx Chassis Comparison

MAXX VS X-MAXX | What is The Difference Between Traxxas X-Maxx and Maxx

As we said in our previous article where we compared the Maxx with the Hoss (Check it here), Traxxas Maxx has the same platform as the X-Maxx. This doesn’t mean that they have the same parts and chassis design. There are some differences.

The first difference between these 2 monsters that you’ll notice when you open the chassis of these 2 RCs is the battery. Traxxas Maxx has just one battery just like any other Traxxas RC car. On the other hand, X-Maxx has 2 batteries, and this is because of its big size that needs more power.

The battery in the Maxx is located on the side of the chassis, while the other parts are on the other side. Nevertheless, X-Maxx’s batteries are located on the side while the other parts are in the middle.

Just to know, Maxx needs 4s or 6s batteries? But, X-Maxx needs 6s or 8s batteries.

Concerning the other parts, each RC has its parts. Also, X-Maxx parts are more expensive than Maxx’s.

Read Also: Traxxas Slash 4×4 vs Traxxas Maxx Comparison. [Which is better?]

Traxxas Maxx vs X-Maxx Performance Comparison

To be brief, it’s 100% obvious that Traxxas X-Maxx has more power over the Maxx, and this is because of multiple factors.

The first one that we already mentioned is the battery since the Maxx uses only 6s single batteries. On the other hand, X-Maxx uses 2 batteries of 8s. It’s super powerful.

By the way, have you ever seen a Maxx vs X-Maxx tug-of-war?

This video will show you how powerful the X-Maxx is, and how it could beat the Maxx with just one battery.

The second factor is weight. More weight means more stability on the ground. This is why in this tug of war, you have noticed that the Maxx was trying to pull the X-Maxx. But X-Maxx didn’t even move.

There are other factors that you can see in the full reviews of each one of these RC monsters. (X-Maxx from HERE, and the Maxx from HERE).


Honestly, I think that the major factor that makes the X-Maxx stronger than the Maxx is these two factors mentioned above.

Let’s say that we reduced the weight and size as well as having just one battery on the X-Monster, He will definitely have more difficulties with the Maxx, or not even having the same power!

HOWEVER, having more power isn’t always great. The problem with the X-Monster is that it is difficult to control, which is something easy for the Maxx. Not only that, but you can control your Traxxas Maxx even in the air.

So the choice is yours, you may want something super powerful, hard to control, needs more space, and great at handling pressure. Traxxas Xmaxx is yours.

On the other hand, if you’d like something small, badass, easy to control, powerful, great at handling pressure also, and doesn’t need a lot of space. Then, Traxxas Maxx is yours.

Read Also: Traxxas XRT VS X-Maxx. Which One Is Better For You?

Traxxas Maxx vs X-Maxx Upgrading Comparison

I know exactly that a lot of Traxxas RC cars users have common feedback about Traxxas which is the poor quality of the stock parts.

However, these rules apply most to mid-level RC cars like the Drag Slash, The Bandit, and the Rustler… Because these Trucks aren’t as much strong at handling as the Maxx and the X-Maxx, which are the strongest Traxxas RC cars.

But for Traxxas players, more power means more fun, more bashing, and more adventures. And this is something that the stock parts won’t be able to handle for a long time.

This is why you better upgrade your Traxxas ASAP if you know that you want it to see hell.

There is no difference between the two RC trucks. The only Maxx vs X-Maxx difference in the upgrading parts is the price and the compatibility (The size).

Of course, the cost of upgrading an X-Maxx is more expensive than upgrading a Traxxas Maxx. You have to expect that the cost of having a nearly $1000 RC car isn’t the same as having a nearly $800 RC car. You should be aware of that.

Read Also: Hoss vs Maxx – Which Is Better Traxxas Maxx or Hoss?


Both cars are amazing and have great potential. But I’d like to have a smaller size with big power (I’m a fan of supercars and small-size cars).

This is why I would choose the Maxx despite knowing that it will lose in a tug of war against the Xmaxx.

Now that you know the Maxx vs X-Maxx difference. What would you choose? Maxx or X-Maxx?


Which is better Maxx or X-Maxx?

When it comes to power and handling, the X-Maxx is a clear winner. But, when it comes to speed and body weight, the Traxxas Maxx wins.

How fast does a stock X-Maxx go?

50+ mph

How fast does the Maxx go?

60+ mph

Read Also: Traxxas XRT Full Review – Everything You Need To Know!


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